Jikiden Reiki® Reijukai (Reiju Meeting)

Share, learn and deepen our understanding through practice.
Simply put, attending a seminar and learning Jikiden Reiki is just the star of your Reiki journey. Like many endeavors, learning is the first step. To get good at something, it is necessary to practice what you learned in the seminar. I like to say that "Reiki, is a 'doing thing'." As practitioners of Reiki, we can gain confidence in our skills and deepen our understanding of the teachings through practice.
In traditional arts, a teacher's job is not to just teach a class and send the students off into the world to fend for themselves. A teacher should support their students, even after the original training. In Jikiden Reiki, we call this Reijukai. This is a special post-seminar support and practice meeting for students of Jikiden Reiki to come together, ask questions, listen to the experiences of their fellow practitioners and to be kept up to date with any news from the Jikiden Reiki Institute. Reijukai participants also have the opportunity to receive reiju (a.k.a. attunements) once again.​
As a shihan in Jikiden Reiki, I offer two opportunities for reiki practice. I offer reijukai (reiju meeting) and koryukai (reiki share meeting). At Reiki with Jotaro, I offer both of these together as a single combined event.
Jikiden Reiki Reijukai (Reiju Meeting) & Reiki Koryukai (Reiki Exchanged Meeting)
Jikiden Reiki Reijukai (Reiju Meeting)
Receive reiju
Opportunity to ask questions
Exchanging thoughts about Reiki practice
Hear the latest news from the Jikiden Reiki Institute
Reiki Koryukai (Reiki Exchange Meeting)
Practice giving reiki treatment sessions on fellow participants
Receive reiki treatments
Put into practice the things you learned during the seminar
Both the Jikiden Reiki reijukai and Reiki koryukai are open ONLY to students and practitioners of Jikiden Reiki. If you are interested in attending these events, You must first have studied Jikiden Reiki with either myself, or with another authorized Jikiden Reiki teacher. For information about learning Jikiden Reiki, please look at the 'Learn Reiki' tab in the menu above, or click HERE.
Jikiden Reiki Reijukai Participation Fee - $30