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Jikiden Reiki® Shoden (Level 1)

Jikiden Reiki Shoden Reiki 1

​Shoden is the foundation of Reiki practice. This level you will learn basic techniques, concepts and history of Jikiden Reiki. The techniques taught have a simple approach with a focus on physical treatment. You will learn how to provide reiki treatment to others as well as to yourself, and many practical everyday uses for Reiki. This is a two day seminar that features a balance of theoretical learning and practical hands-on instruction. When the seminar is finished, you will understand the content and be confident in putting what you learned to use.​ 

Seminar Fee

2 Days

10am - 6pm

4 Students

Prerequisites For Participation

None - Anyone Can Participate in This Seminar

Participate in the seminar and you will learn

  • The verified history of Reiki. Starting with the birth of the Founder, up to the present day.

  • Explanation of key terms and concepts found in Reiki practice.

  • An in-depth examination of the kanji (Japanese characters) used for writing 'Reiki'.

  • The Reiki Gokai (five Reiki precepts) - the proper meaning and understanding and how to recite them in Japanese.

  • The concept of 'byosen' - what it is and how to utilize it during a Reiki treatment session.

  • The concepts of 'shizen joka sayo' and 'heikin joka' - what they mean and how they are related to reiki treatment.

  • The first shirushi (symbol) used in Jikiden Reiki, along with its meaning and proper usage.

  • Useful Reiki techniques for use as basic first aid.

  • Ketsueki Kokan (kekko) - a blood circulation technique used to assist the body's natural cleansing process. 

  • Hatsurei-ho - a meditative practice that will help you develop sensitivity to Reiki movement in your hands.

  • Reiki Mawashi & Reiki Okuri - energy perception and building exercises for group practice.

After the seminar you will have

  • Jikiden Reiki seminar participant manual issued by the Institute.

  • A seminar participation record to keep track of the Jikiden Reiki seminars you attend as you progress.

  • An official bi-lingual shoden level certificate issued by the Institute.

  • Registration with the Institute in Japan and your name recorded on the official Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai website (optional).

  • Access to reijukai - special post-course practice meetings for students of Jikiden Reiki.

The Regulations of the Jikiden Reiki Institute

Those who desire to learn Jikiden Reiki are expected to comply with a few rules established by th Institute. This is a very common thing done in traditional Japanese arts and these rules in particular are put in place to protect the purity of our practice. 


  1. The symbols (shirushi), mantras, Jumon and any contents of the manual or seminar shall not be revealed to those not in attendance.

  2. Any publications, photos or seminar content shall not be revealed, loaned to any third party or made available on the internet.

  3. Jikiden Reiki shall not be taught mixed with other kinds of Reiki. Only Shihan-Kaku (assistant teachers) and Shihan (teachers) approved by Jikiden Reiki Institute can teach Jikiden Reiki.

Jikiden Reiki


A two day seminar presenting the first

level teachings of Jikiden Reiki.

April 11 | 17:00 - 20:30

April 12 | 10:00 - 18:00

Reiki with Jotaro - Rochester, MN

Say Hello


Call or Text: (507) 517-2080

Reiki with Jotaro on Facebook

Our Location*

4729 Canterbury Ct. NW

Rochester, Minnesota 55901


*Services by appointment only.

Proud Student & Teacher of

Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai (Institute)
© Copyright Jotaro Kashihara for Reiki with Jotaro. Please do not copy.
Jotaro Kashihara
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