Reiki Taikenkai (Reiki Experience Meeting)

Try and learn about Reiki. Free of obligation or cost.
On occasion, I hold a public Reiki trial event called a Reiki Taikenkai (Reiki Experience Meeting). This is an opportunity for you to try a Jikiden Reiki treatment session and afterwards ask any questions that you may have about the treatment experience or about Jikiden Reiki training.
This is a different kind of experience when compared to a regular treatment session. At a taikenkai, you will often have more than one practitioner giving you Reiki during the treatment, and these trail sessions are for a 30 minute duration instead of the usual 60 plus minutes.
Due to demand, the treatment sessions offered at taikenkai must be reserved in advance. Please contact me prior to the date of the event to reserve your spot. Scheduled taikenkai are listed below and on the Reiki with Jotaro Facebook page.